The Industry Guide for Fitness Facility Management

In the early days of the fitness revolution, there were management, racquet sports, and sporting goods publications, but no trade publications for the fitness industry. The National Fitness Trade Journal was developed to fill this void. 

The National Fitness Trade Journal made its debut in the Spring of 1982. The National Fitness Trade Journal was initially targeted to the owners and administrators of fitness centers and health clubs but grew to cover hospital/wellness centers, athletic clubs, country clubs, military bases/government, strength coaches & directors of rec centers for all colleges/universities, city/county rec & sports centers, YMCA’s, Jewish Community Centers, and all professional sports teams (NBA, NFL, MLB & NHL) as well. The editorial focus is to keep the fitness industry professionals informed of the latest technology, equipment, new products, and services in the industry.

The National Fitness Trade Journal has informed fitness facility management for over four decades.

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Since 1982 National Fitness Trade Journal has provided the fitness industry with information on new equipment and management products to improve your fitness facility. View the archive gallery of the past 40 years of NFTJ.